The Rollga Register
Here are some frequently asked questions about the Rollga Roller and the routine. Question: Will doing the roller at night stimulate your system making it difficult to fall asleep? No, foam rolling before bedtime will not stimulate your system so...
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Rollga Rolling the Face--> Rollga Hand and Foot Therapy Kit Have you heard about the countless benefits of using myofascial release techniques to treat the fascia tissue that covers every major muscle and organ in your body? If so, I sure...
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Some of us have heard the word plantar fasciitis and have experienced the discomfort first hand. Plantar Fasciitis is kind of a catch-all term for any pain at the bottom of the foot. However, the plantar fascia is a sheath...
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The foam rolling basics with the Rollga is a self-myofascial release (SMR) rolling technique that has been embraced throughout the health and fitness industry for decades. Although effective, is often missed in our daily routine. This simple technique on the Rollga...
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"Rollga is without question, the best roller I have ever used!" -Ted Treise, 2020 MN triathlete of the year
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