Rollga offers the cutting edge professional development necessary for educators and students to unlock their physical, emotional, and cognitive potential. Explore the most inclusive methods to emulate the positive effects of exercise, increase brain function, and improve physical and mental health through evidenced-based techniques. Rollga lesson plans and best-practice workshops are taught by Masters level board certified educators with an additional specialty in exercise science. Rollga is also in alignment with SHAPE NATIONAL STANDARDS and driven by the belief that health moves minds!

Professional Development Packages

Christine Conti
Christine Conti is a former collegiate athlete, investment banker and English teacher who reinvented herself after a life-altering diagnosis at the age of 30. After a decade of being an "experiment of one," undergoing various chemotherapy treatments and learning holistic approaches to fighting and reducing symptoms of her disease, Christine is in remission and is ready to teach you how to live a more quality life! Christine has now spent over two decades researching and studying alongside leading doctors, exercise scientists, and nutritionists and has created multiple courses such as the Arthritis Fitness Specialist, Orthopedic Fitness Specialist, Chronic Disease Fitness Specialist, FallPROOF Fall Prevention, Eating Disorders for Fitness Professionals and Let's FACE It Together Facial Exercise & Rehabilitation.
Sandra F."I LOVE the Rollga. I couldn't believe how relaxed I felt after using this for only a few minutes. The grooves made all the difference."
JP"Every PE class needs to incorporate this into their daily routine. The proof is in how you feel before and after using the Rollga!"
Diane L."I can't wait to learn more about using pressure point techniques to produce the same effects as exercise on my students to be a more inclusive educator for my students with special needs."
Brian K."Every teacher needs to learn these techniques. I can see how this would help ease stress and anxiety before tests and help with behavior issues in academic classes as well!"